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French Association of Archivists (AAF)
Founded in 1904, the Association of French Archivists (AAF) counts 1,800 members working both in public and private sector.
Aware of the challenge represented by information lifecycle in the contemporary world, AAF is an organisation promoting initiatives, exchanges, and training actions o protect and value our past, present and future memory.
AAF aims at :
* Promoting and defending the archivist profession and promote the image and visibility of the profession of archivist. AAF also plays an active role in the process of defining archival good practise, on good terms with the Archives national administration SIAF and university authorities .
* Editing of publications on archives targeted to a broad audience. AAF publishes a quarterly newsletter for its members, called Archivists ! and a scientific journal, the Gazette des archives, for all those interested , directly or indirectly , in archives and archival profession.
* AAF also publishes many books for a professional audience , but also for anyone concerned with archives.
* The organization of numerous conferences and workshops . AAF organizes several events each year and workshops at a national or regional level, or professional sections.
* Continuing education and training of professionals : created in 1984, the Training Centre of the AAF annually hosts over 750 students. Led by professionals, general or specialized internships focus on archival theory, a better knowledge of institutions and different techniques and actions implemented in Archives.
For more informations : http://www.archivistes.org